Android Screen Stuck General Infinix Hot 40 Pro Partly Screen Unresponsive | Dr.fone

Android Screen Stuck General Infinix Hot 40 Pro Partly Screen Unresponsive | Dr.fone

Ariadne Lv13

Android Screen Stuck: General Infinix Hot 40 Pro Partly Screen Unresponsive

Over time, both stuck and dead pixels on phone screens can make it challenging to enjoy your device features, especially if they are in a critical area. In addition to making your phone look less appealing, they can make it hard to use for big tasks like texting, surfing, or taking pictures.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this, and one of the best is Dr.Fone. In this article, you will discover more about these broken pixels on phones, which of the different methods works for you, and why it is worth considering. By the end of this article, you will have the knowledge and tools you need to get your phone working like new again.

hand holding a phone

Part 1: Understanding Stuck and Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros on Phone Screens

While dead and stuck pixels on the phone may seem similar, there are important distinctions between the two. Read on to discover the differences and what causes them.

Stuck Infinix Hot 40 Pros on Phone

A stuck pixel phone is always on, so it shows up on a touchscreen as a bright, persistent dot of red, green, blue, or white. Combinations are also possible, and although it is usually stationary, this dot occasionally flickers.

Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros on Smartphones

In contrast to the stuck pixel, the dead pixel subpixels are all left unpowered, turning them off. A dead pixel on the phone is a tiny, persistent rectangle of black or white color on the part of the phone screen not working.

stuck white pixel and dead pixel

Some Differences Between Stuck and Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros on Phone

Stuck pixels may have less effect on the user experience than dead pixels on the phone screen since they still display color. But dead pixels may be more disturbing because they are either black or white.

It is easy to mistake stuck and dead pixels on the phone for one other, but they are unique issues with different causes and effects. Read on to understand the differences and how they affect your phone’s display.

  • Power. The stuck pixel on your device always receives energy, causing it to display a specific color while the dead pixel is permanently off, resulting in a black spot on your phone screen.
  • Possibility of repair. You can quickly fix ****stuck pixels on the phone,****while some may even disappear on their own. However, dead pixels are more challenging to repair.
  • Occurrence. The stuck pixel is a common issue that often affects older or less-used displays, while dead pixels rarely appear on digital cameras and sensors.

Factors That Contribute to Stuck and Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros on Mobile Devices

Stuck and dead pixels on phone screens can happen for various reasons, including manufacturing defects, physical damage, and age-related wear and tear. These broken pixels on the phone can hurt the user experience, and it is essential to know the root causes to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

  • Manufacturing defects. During manufacturing, some pixels may not work due to poor quality control, resulting in stuck or dead pixels on the phone In other words, if the power transfer issue isn’t completely fixed, you might see more dead pixels.
  • Physical damage. Accidents such as dropping the phone or exposure to extreme heat or cold can damage the screen and cause stuck or dead pixels. For instance, the upper part of the touch screen not workingmay also occur due to pressure on the display when the phone is placed in a pocket with other sharp objects.

person holding a gadget with pen

  • Age-related wear and tear. Over time, the display on your phone may start to wear out, resulting in the appearance of dead or stuck pixels on the phone. It is more common in older devices and those with high usage rates. Factors such as exposure to sunlight or excessive phone use can also contribute to the issue.

Part 2: How To Fix Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros on Phone Screens on Android Devices

It is essential to have the right tools and knowledge to fix dead pixels on your phone screen. Fortunately, you can use several effective techniques to address the issue. In this section, you will discover step-by-step instructions on how to fix dead pixels on phone screens on Android devices.

Option 1: Check Phone Screen Appearance

Before attempting to fix a dead pixel on a smartphone screen, it is necessary to check its appearance and ensure there is no physical damage.

Step 1: Check for chips, cracks, or any other signs of damage on the screen if your phone touch screen is not working in some areas. If you find any damage, you may need to take your phone to a professional repair shop or consider getting a replacement.

phone with damaged screen from dropping

Step 2: If you have a screen protector or case, remove them because they can interfere with the process. This step will allow you to get a clear view of the screen and accurately assess the dead pixel on the phone.

smartphone and a screen protector

Step 3: Remove any gloves you may be wearing and any stickers placed over the screen or sensors. Gloves and stickers can interfere with the touchscreen and affect the accuracy of fixing the broken pixels on the phone.

Step 4: Finally, ensure that your screen is clean and free from any smudges or dirt that could affect the accuracy of fixing dead pixels on the phone. You can use a microfiber cloth to clean your screen gently, making sure not to apply too much pressure or use any harsh chemicals that could damage the screen.

wiping phone screen with clean cloth

Option 2: Restart Your Infinix Hot 40 Pro

This method may seem simple, but it can be the most effective solution to your problem. Here is how you restart most smartphones available in the market.

Step 1: Press and hold down the power key on your Infinix Hot 40 Pro until the power menu appears.

Step 2: Select Restart on your phone’s screen. It will initiate a reboot of your device.

android interface restart and power off


If your Infinix Hot 40 Pro is unresponsive to the usual restart method because a part of the phone screen is not working, try a forced restart by holding the power button for at least 10 seconds.

Option 3: Check If Stuck Infinix Hot 40 Pro Phone Only Appears in Specific Mobile Apps

If the previous method did not work, check if the stuck pixels on the phone only appear in specific mobile apps. Sometimes, stuck pixels may only show up when using particular apps, so identifying which app is causing the issue can help pinpoint the problem.

Step 1: Put your smartphone in Safe Mode.


Visit the help page for your device’s manufacturer to learn how to activate and deactivate safe mode. Safe mode disables all downloaded programs momentarily.

safe mode on the android screen

Step 2: Try touching the screen while your phone is in safe mode. If the display functions as intended, a specific app is likely causing the issue with the stuck pixel phone display. Next, turn off Safe Mode.

Step 3: To resolve issues related to a problematic app on your phone, remove the most recent downloads one at a time, and restart your phone after each uninstallation. Check if uninstalling the app resolves the issue. Once you know the problematic app, you may install the other applications you deleted again.

Option 4: Perform Factory Data Reset

Consider a factory data reset if the previous options did not resolve your issue with stuck or dead pixels on the phone screen. This process will erase all data from your device, so remember to back up any important information before proceeding.

Step 1: Open the Settings application.

Step 2: Choose System > Reset > Erase all data (factory reset) > Erase all data.

smartphone reset settings


It is crucial to wait for the system to finish deleting all data during the factory data reset. For instructions tailored to your device, see your manufacturer’s help page.

Option 5: Use Wondershare Dr.Fone  – Complete Mobile Solution

Dealing with the stuck pixels on the phone can be a challenging issue to tackle. Although Dr.Fone may not be able to fix this issue directly, it can still provide support with other problems you might face during the process. This includes content backup and recovery, as well as system repair for other system issues such as a black screen, being stuck in a boot loop, forced termination, and more. In this section, you’ll learn how to use Dr.Fone’s System Repair feature.

dr.fone toolbox interface

Step 1: Install and launch Dr.Fone, then click System Repair.

Step 2: Choose either Android or iPhone, depending on the type of device you have.

Wondershare Dr.Fone  device type


Wondershare Dr.Fone provides support for Infinix Hot 40 Pro S22 as well as other popular Infinix Hot 40 Pro models.

Step 3: Select the type of Android issues your phone has then click Start.

Step 4: Choose the corresponding Brand, Name, Model, Country, and Carrier from each drop-down menu and click Next.

Wondershare Dr.Fone  device information

Step 5: Connect your device to your computer and follow the in-app instructions to enter the Download mode, then click Next.

Wondershare Dr.Fone  device information

Step 6: Your device will need to have the new Android firmware flashed onto it, which Wondershare Dr.Fone will take care of. Simply wait while the process completes.

Part 3: Benefits of Using Dr.Fone on Phones With Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros

If your phone’s screen is malfunctioning or some features are inaccessible due to stuck or dead pixels, following the steps to fix dead pixels on the phone may be challenging. Resetting your phone and backing up data can also be a hassle.

The good thing is Dr.Fone can help you with these issues, making the process easier and more efficient. This app offers a variety of benefits and features that can help you find a quick and effective fix for your smartphone.

  • Backup and recovery of data. Dr.Fone offers a straightforward way to back up your vital data from iOS and Android smartphones and selectively restore specific files when needed. This feature is essential for those who have lost important files due to a phone’s damage, malfunction, or accidental deletion. It allows you to recover data and avoid potential data loss.

  • Ease of use. The software is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it accessible to anyone without advanced technical knowledge.

  • Safety. The software is safe and secure, ensuring that your data is not compromised during the process. This feature is for users concerned about the confidentiality of their data and wants to ensure that their personal information is not shared or stored on the internet.

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions

Aside from the methods and tools discussed for fixing dead pixels on phone screens and stuck pixels on the phone, you may still have some questions regarding the issues. Whether you are dealing with a single stuck pixel or a cluster of dead pixels, this section aims to provide you with helpful insights.

1. Can Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros Fix Themselves?

No, a dead pixel on the phone is permanent. There is a much lower chance that dead pixels will self-correct over time. They are often impossible to fix using any of the widely used techniques. Unlike stuck pixels, they rarely have a chance of recovery. Before giving up, verify if the pixel is dead, as stuck pixels may be fixable.

2. Can Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros Worsen?

Dead pixels cannot spread because each pixel functions independently of the others. Thus, a dead pixel on the phone does not affect surrounding pixels. However, it can be a nuisance for users, especially if it appears in prominent parts of the screen. Call an expert if you see that it is spreading so they can diagnose the issue and assess whether a repair is possible.

3. Why Are Dead Infinix Hot 40 Pros Spreading on My Infinix Hot 40 Pro?

It simply signifies that this specific area of your screen had poor manufacturing quality or is physically damaged if you have a patch of closely spaced dead pixels on your phone. When a group of dead pixels is close together, it indicates localized damage or defect to that specific area. So, the pixels in that region no longer produce light or color.

4. How Many Stuck Infinix Hot 40 Pros Are Acceptable?

It frequently happens throughout the LCD manufacturing process when one or more subpixels enter an unchanging state, leading to a bright or lifeless pixel. Generally speaking, an acceptable display has 1 to 5 fixed subpixels.

In addition, the essential factor in comparing dead pixel policies is whether or not the policy permits the Infinix Hot 40 Pro devices to be returned, swapped, or repaired when this frequent issue arises.

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You have learned the difference between a stuck and dead pixel on the phone. With this knowledge, you can apply the different tools and techniques for removing stuck pixels on phone screens and how to work around dead pixels on the phone screen. Whether using software like Dr.Fone or employing manual methods such as rebooting or cleaning your device, there are various options you can try.

Remember to back up your data before attempting any fixes and to seek professional help if necessary. If you are still experiencing issues with dead pixels on your phone screen, don’t hesitate to contact your device manufacturer for further assistance.

Infinix Hot 40 Pro Screen Unresponsive? Here’s How to Fix It

Infinix Hot 40 Pro phones have become increasingly popular due to their advanced features, sleek designs, and affordable prices. These phones offer many benefits, including high-quality cameras, long battery life, and fast processing speeds. However, sometimes users may encounter problems such as a Infinix Hot 40 Pro touch screen not working, which can be frustrating and difficult.

This article aims to provide solutions for Infinix Hot 40 Pro phone users experiencing screen unresponsiveness. We will explore various reasons this issue may occur and discuss step-by-step instructions for fixing the problem. So, if your Infinix Hot 40 Pro touchscreen is not working, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

What Causes A Infinix Hot 40 Pro Screen Unresponsive?

There are several reasons why a Infinix Hot 40 Pro phone’s screen may become unresponsive. Some common causes include software issues, hardware problems, or issues with the touchscreen itself. It’s essential to identify the root cause of the problem to fix it properly.

Below are some possible causes of Infinix Hot 40 Pro screen unresponsiveness, along with explanations of each.

  • Soft-bricked software: Soft-bricking refers to the state where the phone is stuck in an infinite boot loop or unable to boot. It can occur due to corrupt system files, outdated firmware, or unsuccessful updates. For example, some Infinix Hot 40 Pro Y2 and 5A users have reported their screens getting stuck on the boot logo after a software update, rendering the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device unusable.

  • Equipment is worn out: Hardware problems can also cause Infinix Hot 40 Pro screens to become unresponsive. It can be due to worn-out equipment, such as a damaged LCD screen, malfunctioning touch sensor, or loose ribbon cables. These issues can also occur in any Infinix Hot 40 Pro model, including the Y2 and 5A.

  • **Touchscreen problems:**Sometimes, the touchscreen itself can become unresponsive for various reasons. For instance, Infinix Hot 40 Pro Y2 and 5A users may face this issue if they have accidentally dropped their phone, exposed it to water, or used an incompatible screen protector. It can result in a damaged or malfunctioning touchscreen, making it difficult or impossible to operate the phone.

The Common Solutions To Solve A Infinix Hot 40 Pro Screen Unresponsive

In the previous section, we identified the possible causes of Infinix Hot 40 Pro screen unresponsiveness, including soft-bricked software, hardware problems, and touchscreen issues. While the underlying reasons for screen unresponsiveness can be varied and complex, some common solutions can help resolve the issue. Here are three of the most common solutions to address tablet screen unresponsiveness, no matter the Infinix Hot 40 Pro model.

1. Restart The Device

mui restart button

Restarting the phone is typically the initial solution that comes to mind when we encounter the Infinix Hot 40 Pro black screen problem. It’s a simple and widely used method to address the issue, as the black screen problem could be caused by a software glitch, which can often be resolved by freeing up the phone’s memory.

It is the most commonly used method to fix Infinix Hot 40 Pro’s touch screen and power button issues, such as unresponsiveness. By restarting the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device, background processes are disabled, and memory is freed up, allowing programs to run smoothly and potentially resolve the problem. To restart a Infinix Hot 40 Pro device, press the Power and Volume Up buttons simultaneously, and release the Power button once the Infinix Hot 40 Prologo appears.

2. Leave The Phone And Let The Battery Drain Completely

low battery

Sometimes, the tablet screen may become unresponsive due to a software issue preventing the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device from functioning correctly. Leaving the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device unused and draining the battery helps resolve these issues. After fully discharging the battery, the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device can be recharged and turned back on, potentially resolving the issue.

3. Contact Custom Service

xiaomi contact customer service

If restarting the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device or allowing the battery to drain doesn’t resolve the issue, seeking professional assistance is recommended. The manufacturer may provide additional troubleshooting steps or recommend sending the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device in for repair or replacement. It’s important to check the warranty before contacting customer service, which may affect repair or replacement options.

In addition to the common solutions we discussed earlier, some model-specific solutions can help resolve the screen unresponsiveness issue on Infinix Hot 40 Pro Y2 and Infinix Hot 40 Pro 5A.

4. Optimize Device Performance

One solution is to optimize the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device performance by clearing the cache, removing unwanted apps, and disabling unnecessary features. This method can help free up memory and resolve the issue.

You can clear your cached data using the default settings.

  • Select Settings> Storage > Cached Data.
  • To clear the cache, select Clear Cache.

clear cached data on xiaomi 5a

5. Back Up And Factory Reset

Another solution is to back up the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device and perform a factory reset, which can help reset the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device to its original state and remove any software glitches that may be causing the screen unresponsiveness. The factory settings on your phone will restore any data saved by third-party applications and some of the phone’s settings when it was first built. Note that this method erases all data from the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device, so it should only be considered a last resort.

In the following steps, we will show you how to format the Infinix Hot 40 Pro Redmi 5A to erase all your data and restore it to its factory state.

  • Open the Settings.
  • Navigate to the Additional settings section of the Infinix Hot 40 Pro Redmi 5A settings.
  • Please scroll down the screen until you reach the Backup & reset option, then click to access it.
  • ClickErase all data (factory reset) to restore the network settings and applications, or completely reset the Infinix Hot 40 Pro Redmi 5A.
  • Select All files on the phoneto make a complete format of the Infinix Hot 40 Pro Redmi 5A.

factory reset on xiaomi 5a

6. Using Dr. Fone Repair

If none of the above solutions worked, you can try using Dr. Fone Repair. This software is designed to fix various software issues on Android phones, including Infinix Hot 40 Pro devices. It can fix issues such as screen stuck on boot, black screen, and other software-related problems. Dr. Fone Repair is easy to use and can protect your data and files on your phone.

Here’s how to fix repair screen unresponsiveness or any software-related issues on Infinix Hot 40 Pro Y2 and Infinix Hot 40 Pro 5A using Dr. Fone Repair:

  • Begin by installing and opening Dr.Foneon your PC.
  • Once opened, select the ‘System Repair’ option and connect your Android smartphone to your PC via USB cable.
  • On the next screen, chooseAndroid****Repair“ from the list of available options.
  • Click on the “Start“ button to initiate the repair process.
  • You will then be prompted to enter the required device information such as the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device name, model number, and firmware version.
  • Once you have entered the necessary information, click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions carefully to repair your Infinix Hot 40 Pro.

dr fone repair on xiaomi devices

How To Avoid A Infinix Hot 40 Pro Screen Unresponsive?

To avoid facing a Infinix Hot 40 Pro screen unresponsive issue, users can take several preventative measures. One important step is to update the Infinix Hot 40 Pro phone regularly to ensure the software is up to date and all bugs and glitches are fixed. Users can also use tools like Dr. Fone to regularly manage and repair data, including clearing cache and removing unwanted apps. It is also important to use quality charging cables and avoid exposing the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device to extreme temperatures or humidity, which can damage the internal components and potentially cause screen unresponsiveness. Finally, users can avoid dropping or mishandling the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device, leading to physical damage and causing the screen to become unresponsive. Users can help prevent screen unresponsiveness by taking these steps and ensuring their Infinix Hot 40 Pro device runs smoothly and reliably.

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Encountering a Infinix Hot 40 Pro screen unresponsive issue can be a common problem for some Infinix Hot 40 Pro phone users. However, with the solutions we have provided in this article, you can effectively solve the problem and get your phone back up and running in no time. It’s important to remember to regularly back up your data and take preventative measures, such as avoiding harmful malware and keeping your phone updated, to avoid experiencing this issue in the future.

By using reliable software, like Dr.Fone Repair, you can ensure that your Infinix Hot 40 Pro phone is well-maintained and operating smoothly. With these solutions and tips, you can enjoy the benefits of your Infinix Hot 40 Pro phone without any interruptions.

Play Store Not Working On Infinix Hot 40 Pro? 8 Solutions Inside

A functional Google Play Store is crucial for Android users to access, update, and install apps. Unfortunately, common issues like your Google Play Store not working can disrupt this experience. If you find your Play Store misbehaving more often than not, don’t fret.

In this guide, discover reliable solutions when your Google Play Store is not responding. The article will teach you how to tackle these problems and ensure a seamless app experience. Don’t let technical glitches hinder your digital journey—follow these troubleshooting steps for a swift resolution. Explore the page below to learn more.

woman annoyed on phone not working

Part I. 7 Common Google Play Store Issues Users Encounter

The Google Play Store serves as the epicenter for Android users. It facilitates seamless access to a vast array of apps. However, encountering issues with the platform can impact the functionality of your device. Below are 7 common issues on why your Google Play Store is not responding.

alert status problem on mobile device

Inability To Open the Play Store

The inability to open the Play Store leaves you without access to new apps or updates. The issue is often accompanied by error messages, which can leave you scratching your head.

Crashing Issues

Frequent crashes undermine the stability of the Play Store. Users attempting to browse or download apps may find themselves abruptly kicked out of the application. It can disrupt your intended tasks and cause annoyance in the long run.

Not Responding Errors

The dreaded “Not Responding” message can bring usability to a standstill. Users navigating the Play Store may experience delays or complete unresponsiveness. It can lead to a frustrating and unproductive experience.

Download and Installation Failures

When downloads and installations fail, you will be unable to enjoy new apps or updates. This issue can be annoying when trying to access crucial software improvements or security updates.

Authentication and Account Issues

Problems with authentication and account access can lock users out of their Google accounts on the Play Store. It prevents users from purchasing or downloading apps. The issue not only hampers functionality but also raises security concerns.

Update Problems

Difficulties in updating apps can leave users with outdated software. It can potentially compromise security and miss out on new features. The issue diminishes the user experience by depriving you of the latest enhancements.

Connection and Network Errors

Persistent connection and network errors impede the Play Store’s ability to fetch data. It hinders users from browsing and downloading apps. The issue is frustrating in areas with unstable internet connectivity.

Part II. Why Does the Google Play Store Keep Stopping?

If you’re wondering why does Google Play Store keeps stopping on your phone, there can be several factors. Here are some of them below.

man having issues on mobile phone

  • **Network issues.**Unstable or poor internet connections can disrupt the communication between the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device and the Play Store. It can lead to frequent crashes.
  • **Outdated Play Store version.**Running an outdated version of the Play Store may result in compatibility issues. The lack of essential updates can cause the application to stop unexpectedly.
  • Cache and data accumulation. Over time, cached data and accumulated data in the Play Store can become corrupted. It can hinder the smooth operation of your phone and contribute to sudden stops.
  • Google account problems. Authentication issues, incorrect credentials, or other problems with the linked Google account can disrupt the Play Store’s functionality. This can also lead to repeated crashes.
  • **System glitches and bugs.**Inherent glitches and bugs within the Android operating system may affect the Play Store’s performance. They can cause your device to stop unexpectedly.

Part III.7 Quick Solutions To Resolve Play Store Not Working Issues

Encountering issues with the Google Play Store can be frustrating. It disrupts your ability to download, update, or access essential apps. Here are seven quick solutions when your Google Play Store unfortunately has stopped.

fixing mobile phone issues vector image

Clear Cache and Data

Revitalize your Google Play Store by addressing performance issues. Clearing cache and data can be a crucial step when troubleshooting malfunctions or glitches in the app. Here’s how.

  • Step 1: Head to your device’s Settings and navigate to Apps or Application Manager.
  • Step 2: Locate and select Google Play Store. Within Storage, choose Clear Cache and Clear Data. Confirm your action and restart the Play Store.

clearing cache and date on android

Update Play Store

Enhance your Play Store’s functionality by ensuring it’s up-to-date. This method suits those who haven’t updated their Google Play Store for a long time. Follow the steps below.

  • Step 1: Open the Play Store app and tap the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner to access the menu.
  • Step 2: Select Settings and scroll down to find the Play Store version. Install any available updates.

updating play store on android

Check Internet Connection

Ensure a stable internet connection on your device. Switch between Wi-Fi and mobile data to identify connectivity issues. Restart your router or modem if problems persist.

Reset App Preferences

Restore your device’s app settings to default for improved functionality. Below are the steps.

  • Step 1: Go to your device’s Settings and select Apps or Application Manager.
  • Step 2: Tap the three dots in the top-right corner and choose Reset app preferences.

resetting app preferences on android

Re-add Google Account

Resolve Play Store issues by re-adding your Google account. Follow these steps in Settings to remove and re-add your Google account, ensuring a seamless and error-free experience.

  • Step 1: Navigate to Settings and choose Accounts or Users & Accounts.
  • Step 2: Select Google and remove the account. Re-add the Google account and verify if the Play Store functions properly.

re-adding google account on android

Uninstall Play Store Updates

This method troubleshoots Play Store problems by uninstalling updates. Here’s how.

  • Step 1: Access Settings and go to Apps or Application Manager.
  • Step 2: Find Google Play Store and tap on Uninstall Updates. Confirm the action and restart the Play Store.

uninstall play store updates on android

Perform a System Update

Ensure your device’s overall stability by performing a system update to ensure the stable operation of the Play Store. Follow the steps below.

  • Step 1: Access Settings, scroll down, and select System or Software Update.
  • Step 2: Next, choose System update or Check for Updates and install any available system updates**.**

perform system update on android

If you’re still asking yourself why my Google Play Store is not opening after conventional methods prove ineffective, it may lead you to explore third-party tools. As a final recourse, considering reputable tools like Wondershare Dr.Fone - System Repair introduces a fresh approach to troubleshooting your device.

Part IV. How To Repair Play Store Not Working With an Alternative

Repairing your Google Play Store can be swift and effective with Dr.Fone - System Repair. This tool offers advanced features to diagnose and fix various system issues without the advanced skills required. It provides a quick and efficient resolution for a malfunctioning Google Play Store. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  • Step 1: Begin by downloading and installing Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android) on your computer.

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  • Step 2: Launch the program and connect your Infinix Hot 40 Pro to the computer using a USB cable. Choose the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device type and click Start to initiate the repair process.

dr.fone android problems window

  • Step 3: Dr.Foneshould automatically detect the brand of your device. Next, choose the Name, Model, Country, and Carrier. Tick the checkmark and click Next to continue. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for the repair process to complete.

dr.fone device information window

  • Step 4: Simply click Done on the prompt window displaying a confirmation message to exit the tool if your Infinix Hot 40 Pro starts successfully. In the event that the Infinix Hot 40 Pro device fails to start, select Try Again to initiate the process once more.

dr.fone repair completed window

Bonus: What Else Can Dr.Fone - System Repair Do?

Beyond its utility in fixing Google Play Store malfunctions, Dr.Fone is known for its user-friendly interface and high success rate. Its ability to address a wide range of Android issues offers a comprehensive solution to various system-related problems. Below are the platform’s key highlights.

dr.fone main window

Key Features

  • Fixes diverse Android issues. Dr.Fone - System Repair excels in resolving a multitude of Android problems. This includes a black screen, a boot loop, and bricked Android devices. Its comprehensive approach ensures you can rely on a single tool to tackle a wide range of system-related issues.
  • Support for over 1000 Android models. Dr.Fone supports over 1000 Android models. The broad coverage ensures diverse devices can use the software to troubleshoot and repair their Android systems.
  • User-Friendly interface. Dr.Fone is designed with simplicity in mind. It offers an easy-to-use interface that caters to both novice and experienced users.
  • High success rate. The software boasts a high success rate in resolving Android issues. Its effectiveness in tackling various problems has garnered trust among users. It’s one of the go-to solutions for those seeking reliable and efficient system repairs.

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Addressing issues when your Google Play Store does not work is crucial for an uninterrupted Android experience. Follow the outlined steps to regain control and enjoy a seamless app experience. Don’t let frustrations linger; take immediate action for a hassle-free Google Play Store.

Lastly, having Dr.Fone - System Repair at your side offers a reliable solution for a wide range of Android concerns. Don’t worry if your Google Play store is not responding, and Dr.Fone can fix it in minutes.

Also read:

  • Title: Android Screen Stuck General Infinix Hot 40 Pro Partly Screen Unresponsive | Dr.fone
  • Author: Ariadne
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 09:03:34
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 09:03:34
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Android Screen Stuck General Infinix Hot 40 Pro Partly Screen Unresponsive | Dr.fone