Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Oppo A38 | Dr.fone

Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Oppo A38 | Dr.fone

Ariadne Lv13

Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Oppo A38

If you are using an Android device, you might have encountered the error code 920 in Google Play Store. This error usually occurs when you are trying to download or update an app from the Google Play Store. The error code 920 can be quite frustrating, as it prevents you from downloading or updating your favorite apps. However, there are several ways to fix this error and get your apps back up and running. In this article, we will show you some of the best solutions to fix error code 920 in Google Play Store on Oppo A38.

Trust me, once you face an error it’s frustrating until you find a solution to it. Almost 90 % of the time we search on the internet for an appropriate solution. But finding a legitimate solution can be hard. Most websites just upload only one method to solve an error. And most times that one single method may not be enough for us. And again we are back to Square one trying to figure out what’s wrong and where we screwed up. Most people face an error 920 on play store. It’s frustrating to get the play store error 920.And not everyone knows what the error 920 is. Rest assured, this article will provide you four methods to get rid of the error 920 problems you face and you will not have to depend on any other further sources for finding out what play store error 920 is or find any other method to get rid of the error 920 on play store.

  • (i) Re-installing the application
  • (ii) Switching off and turning the wifi (cellular data) on
  • (iii) Clearing the cache and data of Google Play Store
  • (iv) Removing and adding back your Google account

Part 1: What is Error Code 920?

Sometimes people think that they have endangered the fate of humanity because of the error that is being displayed (Just Kidding). Don’t worry you haven’t crashed any server or did any damage to your device but you just gave your device a lot of work. Before you got this error you were downloading a lot of apps right. Well, that’s the exact reason why you came up with this error in the first place. There are various reasons behind this error code 920, however, the prominent ones are –

error code 920

  • a. Too much load on your data connection.
  • b. The cache is not cleaned. Thus the connection is getting hampered due to overload.
  • c. Network connection is not stable.

There are a lot of Android users out there and the error 920 on play store doesn’t have a unique solution. You’ll have to try out a bunch of them and find out what works for your device. So one of the given four methods below is definitely going to work on your device.

Part 2: 5 Solutions to fix error 920

METHOD 1: Fix Error Code 920 By Android Repair

If you’re writing a lot of data to your device in one go, this can sometimes overload your phone which can cause data corruption. This could have happened if you try the method above and then still encounter the play store error 920.

If this is the case, there’s a solution known as Dr.Fone - System Repair that can help. This is an industry-leading package that has everything you need to get your device running as it should be.

Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android)

Easiest Fix to Error Code 920

  • Easy operation with no technical knowledge required
  • Simple, one-click play store error 920 fix
  • Clean and simple to understand user-interface
  • Supports various Oppo A38 devices, including the latest Oppo A38 S9/S8
  • The #1 Android repair software in the world

3,545,081 people have downloaded it

If this is the answer you’re looking for to help you fix your error code 920 problems, here’s a step by step guide on how to use it;

Note: please note that this method may erase all personal data on your device, so make sure you’ve backed up your device before continuing.

Step #1 Head over to the Dr.Fone website and download the Repair software for your Windows computer.

Step #2 Once installed, open the software and select the ‘System Repair’ option from the main menu.

fix error code 920 in one click

Then connect your Oppo A38 using the official cable and select the ‘Android Repair’ option.

select android repair

Step #3 On the next screen, insert your device information to ensure you’re downloading the correct firmware.

device details

Step #4 Put your phone into Download mode by following the onscreen instructions.

fix error code 920 in download mode

Dr.Fone will now download your firmware and automatically install it onto your device. Your phone will then reset, and you’ll be ready to use it without experiencing that annoying error 920 play store code!

METHOD 2: Re-installing the application

This is the first thing that you want to try before going on to the more advanced one. In fact, this is the first thing I’d recommend you to try if you come up with an Error code 920. Just try this whenever you get any error.

Step 1 - Go to the application that you got the error with.

Step 2 - Open that application download page on the Play store.

Step 3 - Uninstall it or even uninstall all the update (If the error came when you were updating the application).

Step 4 - Now you clear the task manager and try installing it once again. If the play store error 920 doesn’t come then you have solved the problem and now wasn’t that easy. So it’s always best to try this step before doing anything else.

error code 920-install apps

METHOD 3: Switching off and turning the wifi (cellular data) on

This is another basic method in solving the play store error 920. This error comes in when you have given too many tasks to download.

Step 1 - To remove that load Just turn your wifi off and then turn your wifi on (the same goes with your cellular data).

Step 2 - Now after doing this go to your Play Store application and download the application that you were going to download. Now your Play Store Error 920 won’t be bothering you anymore.

error code 920-turn off wifi

METHOD 4: Clearing the cache and data of Google Play Store

This is a little more complicated (complicated as in you will need to do a little more than the previous two methods). What you need to do is clear the cache and clear the data of the play store. This will get rid of the error code 920 the next time you download or update any application from the Google Play store.

Step 1 – Go to settings of your device.

Step 2 – Now find “Applications” option under the settings menu. Here you can find “Google Play Store” option. Open it.

Step 3 – Now, at the bottom, you can find “Clear Cache” option. Tap on it and your all cache will be cleared.

error code 920-google play store clear cache

After doing this step clear your task manager (delete all recent applications). Go to play store and resume your download or update.

METHOD 5: Removing and adding back your Google account

It is best if you follow the order of the methods mentioned. Like, try each method in the given order until you get rid of the play store error 920. If you reach here then you truly must be in a desperate position to get rid of this error. The best and guaranteed way is to delete your Google account from your phone. By deleting what is meant here is to temporarily remove your account and the adding it in again. What this does is it kind of resets your play store details and it eradicates the error code 920. To do this you need to

Step 1 - go to Settings of your Mobile.

Step 2- Now, find “Accounts” and then go to “Google Accounts”.

Step 3 - In that section find the account you use for the play store or the account that you were using while the error came in. Once you tap on your specific account you’ll find an option to remove the account. Tap on it.

Step 4 - Now you have successfully removed your account and after that re-add your account. After entering your email id and password and hence adding your account. Go back to the play store and find the application that you were downloading or updating when the error code 920 came in. Now re-install it or update it back again. This time you won’t be faced with the play store error 920.

error code 920-remove account

Again it is best if you follow the methods as illustrated above for removing error code 920 and this might have solved your problem by now. If now, you go for a complete factory reset, do it only at the extreme stage as this will delete all your personal data.

Play Store error 920 is a pretty common error and its solutions are also very easy. Please do ensure that you follow each and every step in sync so that you can get the best result out of these methods and get over with the error code 920 on Google play store.

What to Do if Google Play Services Keeps Stopping on Oppo A38

google play services app keeps stopping

Is the annoying Google Play Services error constantly popping up on your phone? Is it happening while reading, gaming, or browsing social media?

The error constantly plagues thousands of Android users, and it can be incredibly frustrating when you’re using the phone for something important or doing something entirely unrelated to the Google Play app.

Oddly enough, the “Unfortunately, Google Play Services has stopped.” error isn’t severe – you can fix it with a few general and easy-to-do fixes, a factory reset, or a system repair. Below, you’ll find info about why it’s happening and a list of ten possible solutions.

Why Am I Getting the Message “Google Play Services Keeps Stopping?”

Computers and phones often speak in error codes and apps that stop working. Even minor connectivity issues can cause these problems, leaving you wondering what’s wrong with your device or displaying the “Unfortunately, Google Play Services has stopped working.” error message.

Software errors are another set of problems that can also cause this issue. Namely, an average phone user has at least 40 installed apps, and sometimes these apps don’t play well together. They generate problems or steal resources from each other, such as RAM, causing crashes and errors.

There’s also the issue of wrong app versions. Although each Android phone uses the Android operating system, these systems can be vastly different, and the apps built for them can be made to be phone-specific and only run on a specific phone model.

That’s also the case with Google Play Store and Google Play Services.

Why Google Play Services Keeps Stopping

The Google Play Services keeps stopping error is an infamous one, and it can appear for various reasons and even on brand new phones. However, these causes can be categorized into three groups, which are:

  1. Network Issues
  2. Software Errors
  3. Wrong Play Services Version

Regardless of what’s causing the issue on your phone, we’ve compiled a list of ten possible solutions, and you can find those below.

Solutions to Try When Google Play Services Keeps Stopping

There are many solutions for the issue of Google Play Services that keeps stopping. We’ve listed the most famous and effective ones, and you’ll find them below in no particular order. Try them out and see whether they fix the issue.

1. Do a Factory Reset

A factory reset on any smartphone removes all your data on the phone’s internal storage and can even wipe your SD card clean if you select the option. Before you reset your phone to factory settings, ensure you’ve backed up all your essential apps and files. When you’re ready, you can do a factory reset by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Go into Settingsand search for “reset.”

  • Step 2: Choose Factory reset.

  • Step 3: Tap the Erase all dataor Reset device at the bottom, whichever button is there.

    android factory reset

  • Step 4: Input your password and confirm the action.

Your phone will now restart and start the reset process. Once the factory reset completes, your phone will look brand new, and you’ll need to install all your apps again. Moreover, your Google Play Services app will likely get fixed by this, too.

2. Update Your System

As keeping your phone’s system and apps updated to the latest possible version is essential and recommended for the best performance and highest efficiency, you can try updating it to see whether it fixes your Google Play Services error. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Open the Settings
  • Step 2: Head into System> System update.
  • Step 3: If there’s an update available, click it and go through the process of updating your phone’s system.

Restarting your phone after an update, even if it doesn’t restart itself, is highly advisable, ensuring that the new updates apply without issues.

3. Revert to the Previous Version

As we’ve discussed the wrong Play Services versions above, it’s worth noting that sometimes even the developers can make mistakes and roll out the wrong version for your phone. So, if you notice that the phone is getting the error after you’ve updated Google Services or the Play Store, you can quickly revert to the previous version, and here’s how:

  • Step 1: Head into Settings> Apps > Google Play Services.
  • Step 2: Press the Disablebutton at the bottom of the screen.
  • Step 3: Restart the phone, repeat the process by clicking Enablethis time, and restart the phone again.

As these are system apps, you can’t remove them from the phone, and disabling them will only remove the updates, leaving you with a base version that came with your phone out of the box.

4. Uninstall the App’s Updates and Reinstall

Like reverting to the previous version, you can also try reinstalling updates to fix the Google Play Services has stopped working error. The process is similar to the one above, but we’ve still included the steps. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Step 1: Go into Settings> Apps and find Google Play Services.

  • Step 2: Tap it and press Uninstall Updatesat the bottom.

    uninstall google play services updates

  • Step 3: Exit the Settingsapp and restart the phone.

  • Step 4: Open the Play Storeapp and head into the app’s settings by clicking your profile icon. Then scroll to the bottom, and tap Settings.

  • Step 5: Find and tap the Play Store versionto update your Google Play Services.

As you’re already there, you might as well update all other apps after you tap Manage apps & device. That will ensure that older and not-up-to-date apps aren’t causing the issue.

5. Check Storage

Believe it or not, one of the leading causes of the Google Play Services issue is a phone overfilled with apps. Namely, if you have insufficient storage, the Google Play Store app will likely crash and display errors such as “Unfortunately, Google Play Services has stopped working.”

Head into your phone’s Settings and select Storage to see how your phone’s doing storage-wise. Deleting a few apps you don’t use and transferring your photo and video library to a PC is highly advisable if your phone’s storage space lacks gigabytes.

6. Do a System Repair

Although the other solutions here are general fixes that might help, a system repair might take a bit longer but will undoubtedly fix your issue. You can use the Wondershare Dr.Fone app to repair the system and eliminate the annoying “Unfortunately, Google Play Services has stopped working” error.

Moreover, Dr. Fone works on Android and iOS devices and can fix various phone issues, including boot loops, a white screen of death, a stuck phone, etc. That’s why we’ve included a guide on using it for an Android phone issue. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Launch the Wondershare Dr.Fone app on your PC and head into Toolkit> System Repair > Android.

    start the wondershare dr.fone app

  • Step 2: Select the type of issue you want to fix > Start.

    start the android system repair

  • Step 3: Select the make and model of your phone so that Dr.Fone can find the appropriate Android software.

    choose the phone model

  • Step 4: Connect the phone to the PC via a USB cable and follow the on-screen instructions to put the phone into Download Mode. The instructions are available for both phones with and without the home button.

    put the phone into download mode

  • Step 5: Select the appropriate Android firmware, download it, and hit Fix Nowafter it downloads.

    download android firmware before repair

  • Step 6: Enter the code and hit Confirmto continue the system repair process. When it’s done, click the Done

    confirm android system repair

That’s all it takes to do a system repair with Wondershare Dr.Fone. Give the software a few minutes to complete, during which your phone might restart a few times. Once it’s done, your Google Play Services app will undoubtedly work.

7. Clear Cache

The easiest and the most obvious fix for many Android apps is clearing the app’s cache. Here’s how you can do that for Google Play Services and Google Play Store:

  • Step 1: Go into Settings> Apps and find the Google Play Store

  • Step 2: Tap Storageand hit the Clear cache

    clear app cache

  • Step 3: Repeat the process for the Google Play Services

If this doesn’t work, move on to another possible fix.

8. Check Date and Time Settings

Oddly enough, the Google Play Services app is prone to failure because of an incorrectly set time or date. That’s because Google’s servers constantly check these settings before issuing updates to the Oppo A38 devices, so you’ll need to ensure they’re correct beforehand. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Head into Settings> System > Date & Time.

  • Step 2: Ensure that both “**Use network–provided time” and “Use network-provided time zone**” are toggled on.

    check date and time settings

  • Step 3: If this doesn’t work, you can try repeating the process and manually setting the time and the time zone.

Once you check or change these settings, try using the Google Play Store app and check whether the issue is fixed. Restarting the phone after changing the settings is also highly advisable.

9. Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection

Another regularly overlooked troublemaker is a poor internet connection. That’s because most apps nowadays are meant to work in online mode only, and losing connection or using a bad one interferes with the app’s functionality.

To test the internet connection on your Oppo A38, you should open a browser and head to a random internet page to see if it’s opening and whether there are any delays. If it’s working fine, your internet connection isn’t the problem.

10. Adjust Google Play Services Permissions

Although permissions rarely change, they can cause issues if you change them accidentally. These settings can be found in the same place where you would uninstall updates or clear the app’s cache, so you can use some of the steps mentioned above to check them.

Once inside Permission Settings, check whether the Google Play Services and Play Store apps have sufficient permission to do their jobs and whether any required permissions were recently removed. If so, grant these two apps their permissions back.

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Although it’s an incredibly frustrating error, the “Unfortunately, Google Play Services has stopped” message is more annoying than serious. We’ve explained why it happens, but we’ve also given you a list of solutions to fix it.

Our list includes various fixes, from simple ones, like deleting the app’s cache and ensuring your network works fine, to more serious ones, like doing a factory reset. Alternatively, you can do a system repair with the help of Wondershare Dr.Fone, which will certainly fix the problem, but it might be a bit more complicated than cache deletion.

How To Fix Unresponsive Touch Screen on Oppo A38

With the increase in our reliance on smartphones, having touchscreen problems on your device can be annoying. Sometimes, it’s even more frustrating than a physically broken screen because you don’t know where the issue is coming from.

If your touchscreen is malfunctioning or doesn’t work correctly, you cannot interact with your device. On this page, you’ll learn general phone touch problems on Android and how to get rid of them. Now explore the article to learn more.

android screen problems intro

Part 1: Why Is My Android Experiencing Touch Screen Problems

Below are some of the most common reasons you’re experiencing touch problems on your Android smartphone.

  • The touchscreen problemfreezes your phone, lags, or hangs.
  • Some parts of the screen work fine, but some don’t.
  • Your screen responds inaccurately (typing “a” gets you “q” or “z”).
  • The touchscreen is automatically operating itself, resulting in ghost touch.
  • It doesn’t respond to any taps, and the phone’s screen has stopped working.
  • The device is physically damaged, or the screen is cracked or broken.
  • Outdated devices are prone to the black/white/blue screen of death.

Part 2: Tips, Fixes, and Workarounds To Fix Your Oppo A38 Touch Problems

If any of the outlined reasons above are the cause of your touch screen malfunctioning, here are some solutions to fix it.

Method 1: Remove the Screen Protector and Phone Case

Some phone cases and screen protectors cause touch problems on your Android screen. This issue is prevalent if you recently changed your phone case or screen protector. It may be due to incompatibility, but you should remove them to see if your phone starts responding again.

android remove screen protector

Method 2: Clean Your Android Smartphone

A touchscreen malfunctioning can also be a sign of a dirty display. Since the screen relies on contact between your fingers and the touchpad to perform actions, this also applies to foreign particles such as dirt, debris, smudges, oil, and more. Clean your touchscreen with wipes or a soft cloth by gently wiping over the screen.

android dirty screen

Method 3: Stop Using Your Android Device for a While

Touch problems also arise due to abnormal temperature changes. Your phone might experience ghost touch if it’s too cold or hot. For your screen to function correctly, it needs to be in a temperate environment. Remember to take breaks between phone usage, especially when the phone gets too hot. Avoid using your device under hot conditions, direct sunlight, or anything affecting your phone’s normal temperature.

Method 4: Restart Your Android

Performing a reboot sounds trivial with such a complicated issue. But sometimes, it’s often the most successful way to fix a touchscreen problem on an Android device. Restarting your Android shuts down and resets all background services, which may have led to your issue.

android restart method

To restart your Android, press and hold the Power button for several seconds to switch off your phone. In other smartphones, you may need to hold down the Power button as well as the Volume Down button at the same time.

Method 5: Factory Data Reset Your Android

Before attempting to have your device checked for any hardware defects, you should try completing a Factory Reset. To do this, go to Settings > Backup and Reset. Next, tap on Factory data reset > Delete all.

android factory data reset

Performing a Factory Data Reset will erase all your data and restore your device to its factory default settings. Creating a backup before doing this step is recommended, as you will lose all your personal data once the process starts.

Method 6: Put Your Android into Recovery Mode

If all else fails, placing your Android into Recovery Mode should be a last resort. Doing this method works similarly to the method above. You should perform this method if the screen is unresponsive and only the buttons on your Android are functional. Here’s how.


Placing your Android into Recovery Mode is different depending on your Android smartphone. Refer to your owner’s manual to see which method is right for your Oppo A38.

Step 1A: Press and hold the Power button and Volume Down buttons at the same time. Continue holding both buttons until the screen starts.

Step 1B: If your Oppo A38 still has a Home button, press and hold the Home button and the Power button at the same time. Continue holding them until the screen starts.

Step 1C: If step 1A did not put your Android into Recovery Mode, press and hold the Power and Volume Up and Down buttons simultaneously. Continue pressing all three until the screen starts.

android recovery mode 01

Step 2: Use the Volume buttons to navigate the choices, select Wipe data/factory reset, and confirm your choice with the Power button.

android recovery mode 02

Step 3: Wait for the process to complete and for your Oppo A38 to restart automatically.

Method 7: Replace Your Android Touchscreen

If doing all the earlier workarounds and fixes couldn’t resolve the touchscreen problem, it could be the screen itself. While replacing the touchscreen yourself is possible if you have the technical know-how, it’s still best to bring it to a professional to prevent further damage. You should have your Oppo A38 checked by a technician if the screen is getting weak, has water damage, or has failing screen components.


Method 8: Bring it to an Authorized Service Center

Your phone touch problem might not be caused by the screen, even when you had it replaced. If your Android is still unresponsive, it’s best to bring your smartphone to an authorized service center or directly to the phone manufacturer, especially when all efforts are exhausted.

Part 3: How To Fix Android Touch Problem With an Alternative

If all the general phone touch problems on your Oppo A38 persist, you should strongly consider Wondershare Dr.Fone to do the job. The program can fix all Android system issues without any required skills. Problems caused by the operating system or software, such as the black screen of death, boot loop, ghost touch, and more, are done within less than 10 minutes with the program.

dr.fone main program window

Key Features

Dr.Fone – System Repair (Android) has many features you can immediately take advantage of. Here are some of them below.

  • Fix All Android Problems In Minutes

Wondershare Dr.Fone allows you to fix all touchscreen problems on your smartphone within less than 10 minutes. Moreover, it has a high success rate making it one of the most reliable tools available today.

  • Supports up to 1000+ Android Models

The program supports almost all Oppo A38 models and other Android devices, whether unlocked or from a carrier. Dr.Fone is equipped with all the proper firmware to flash your Oppo A38 with just a few clicks. In addition, it has handy on-screen instructions to help you complete the whole process with ease.

Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of using Dr.Fone – System Repair (Android) to know if you’re still undecided.


  • The user interface is clutter-free, making it highly beginner-friendly.
  • The fast processing time to fix your Oppo A38 means you can do more in less time.


  • The free version only works until you see if your Oppo A38 is compatible with the app. You will be required to enter a valid license once you initiate the repair process.
  • If you own an iOS device, you’ll have to get the iOS version.

How To Fix Black Phone Screen With Wondershare Dr.Fone

Follow the step-by-step guide below to start fixing general phone screen problems on Android using Wondershare Dr.Fone.

Step 1: Download and install Wondershare Dr.Fone on your computer. Next, launch the program and connect your Oppo A38 to your computer.

dr.fone general phone screen problems 01

Step 2: Click Start to initiate the setup on a new window. From there, select the Brand, Name, Model, Country, and Carrier of your Oppo A38 and click Next.

dr.fone general phone screen problems 02

Step 3: Follow the on-screen instructions on the main program window to initiate the repair process. After that, wait for your Android smartphone to return to its original state.

dr.fone general phone screen problems 03

Part 4: FAQs

Here are some FAQs you should remember when experiencing phone touch problems.

1. Does a Cracked Screen Affect Touch on an Android?

If you continue using a smartphone with a cracked screen, there are several implications. Your device will be vulnerable to further damage and might develop touchscreen problems,and your sensors will gradually begin to malfunction. The capabilities of your device are also compromised the longer you delay repairing it. Moreover, a cracked screen can put your fingers at risk of injury due to potential glass splinters.

2. How Do I Temporarily Fix a Cracked Screen?

If you can’t take your cracked screen to a repair shop, apply a small amount of vegetable oil or petroleum jelly to the screen. Doing this will not fix the issue but will make the cracks less noticeable. On the other hand, you can also apply a screen protector to safeguard your phone against further damage. The screen protector slows down or prevents the cracks from getting worse.

3. Can I Use Dr.Fone for Free?

You can download and install Dr.Fone – System Repair (iOS) or (Android) for free to evaluate the program’s offerings. You can do the first few steps to see if the app supports your device. However, you need to get the full version and enter a valid license code to repair your smartphone.

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If the touchscreen is malfunctioning on your smartphone, one of the fixes above should help solve the problem. If it did not solve the issue, consider using Dr. Fone – System Repair for iOS or Android when you need an all-in-one solution to all your phone screen problems.

However, if your screen is broken or cracked, going to an authorized service center is still your best bet, especially when your screen urgently needs a replacement. Delaying it further may hurt your wallet in the long run, so it’s best to fix it as soon as possible.

  • Title: Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Oppo A38 | Dr.fone
  • Author: Ariadne
  • Created at : 2024-03-20 11:20:28
  • Updated at : 2024-03-21 21:54:54
  • Link: https://howto.techidaily.com/full-solutions-to-fix-error-code-920-in-google-play-on-oppo-a38-drfone-by-drfone-fix-android-problems-fix-android-problems/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Oppo A38 | Dr.fone