Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G | Dr.fone

Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G | Dr.fone

Ariadne Lv13

Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G

If you are using an Android device, you might have encountered the error code 920 in Google Play Store. This error usually occurs when you are trying to download or update an app from the Google Play Store. The error code 920 can be quite frustrating, as it prevents you from downloading or updating your favorite apps. However, there are several ways to fix this error and get your apps back up and running. In this article, we will show you some of the best solutions to fix error code 920 in Google Play Store on Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G.

Trust me, once you face an error it’s frustrating until you find a solution to it. Almost 90 % of the time we search on the internet for an appropriate solution. But finding a legitimate solution can be hard. Most websites just upload only one method to solve an error. And most times that one single method may not be enough for us. And again we are back to Square one trying to figure out what’s wrong and where we screwed up. Most people face an error 920 on play store. It’s frustrating to get the play store error 920.And not everyone knows what the error 920 is. Rest assured, this article will provide you four methods to get rid of the error 920 problems you face and you will not have to depend on any other further sources for finding out what play store error 920 is or find any other method to get rid of the error 920 on play store.

  • (i) Re-installing the application
  • (ii) Switching off and turning the wifi (cellular data) on
  • (iii) Clearing the cache and data of Google Play Store
  • (iv) Removing and adding back your Google account

Part 1: What is Error Code 920?

Sometimes people think that they have endangered the fate of humanity because of the error that is being displayed (Just Kidding). Don’t worry you haven’t crashed any server or did any damage to your device but you just gave your device a lot of work. Before you got this error you were downloading a lot of apps right. Well, that’s the exact reason why you came up with this error in the first place. There are various reasons behind this error code 920, however, the prominent ones are –

error code 920

  • a. Too much load on your data connection.
  • b. The cache is not cleaned. Thus the connection is getting hampered due to overload.
  • c. Network connection is not stable.

There are a lot of Android users out there and the error 920 on play store doesn’t have a unique solution. You’ll have to try out a bunch of them and find out what works for your device. So one of the given four methods below is definitely going to work on your device.

Part 2: 5 Solutions to fix error 920

METHOD 1: Fix Error Code 920 By Android Repair

If you’re writing a lot of data to your device in one go, this can sometimes overload your phone which can cause data corruption. This could have happened if you try the method above and then still encounter the play store error 920.

If this is the case, there’s a solution known as Dr.Fone - System Repair that can help. This is an industry-leading package that has everything you need to get your device running as it should be.

Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android)

Easiest Fix to Error Code 920

  • Easy operation with no technical knowledge required
  • Simple, one-click play store error 920 fix
  • Clean and simple to understand user-interface
  • Supports various Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G devices, including the latest Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G S9/S8
  • The #1 Android repair software in the world

3,545,081 people have downloaded it

If this is the answer you’re looking for to help you fix your error code 920 problems, here’s a step by step guide on how to use it;

Note: please note that this method may erase all personal data on your device, so make sure you’ve backed up your device before continuing.

Step #1 Head over to the Dr.Fone website and download the Repair software for your Windows computer.

Step #2 Once installed, open the software and select the ‘System Repair’ option from the main menu.

fix error code 920 in one click

Then connect your Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G using the official cable and select the ‘Android Repair’ option.

select android repair

Step #3 On the next screen, insert your device information to ensure you’re downloading the correct firmware.

device details

Step #4 Put your phone into Download mode by following the onscreen instructions.

fix error code 920 in download mode

Dr.Fone will now download your firmware and automatically install it onto your device. Your phone will then reset, and you’ll be ready to use it without experiencing that annoying error 920 play store code!

METHOD 2: Re-installing the application

This is the first thing that you want to try before going on to the more advanced one. In fact, this is the first thing I’d recommend you to try if you come up with an Error code 920. Just try this whenever you get any error.

Step 1 - Go to the application that you got the error with.

Step 2 - Open that application download page on the Play store.

Step 3 - Uninstall it or even uninstall all the update (If the error came when you were updating the application).

Step 4 - Now you clear the task manager and try installing it once again. If the play store error 920 doesn’t come then you have solved the problem and now wasn’t that easy. So it’s always best to try this step before doing anything else.

error code 920-install apps

METHOD 3: Switching off and turning the wifi (cellular data) on

This is another basic method in solving the play store error 920. This error comes in when you have given too many tasks to download.

Step 1 - To remove that load Just turn your wifi off and then turn your wifi on (the same goes with your cellular data).

Step 2 - Now after doing this go to your Play Store application and download the application that you were going to download. Now your Play Store Error 920 won’t be bothering you anymore.

error code 920-turn off wifi

METHOD 4: Clearing the cache and data of Google Play Store

This is a little more complicated (complicated as in you will need to do a little more than the previous two methods). What you need to do is clear the cache and clear the data of the play store. This will get rid of the error code 920 the next time you download or update any application from the Google Play store.

Step 1 – Go to settings of your device.

Step 2 – Now find “Applications” option under the settings menu. Here you can find “Google Play Store” option. Open it.

Step 3 – Now, at the bottom, you can find “Clear Cache” option. Tap on it and your all cache will be cleared.

error code 920-google play store clear cache

After doing this step clear your task manager (delete all recent applications). Go to play store and resume your download or update.

METHOD 5: Removing and adding back your Google account

It is best if you follow the order of the methods mentioned. Like, try each method in the given order until you get rid of the play store error 920. If you reach here then you truly must be in a desperate position to get rid of this error. The best and guaranteed way is to delete your Google account from your phone. By deleting what is meant here is to temporarily remove your account and the adding it in again. What this does is it kind of resets your play store details and it eradicates the error code 920. To do this you need to

Step 1 - go to Settings of your Mobile.

Step 2- Now, find “Accounts” and then go to “Google Accounts”.

Step 3 - In that section find the account you use for the play store or the account that you were using while the error came in. Once you tap on your specific account you’ll find an option to remove the account. Tap on it.

Step 4 - Now you have successfully removed your account and after that re-add your account. After entering your email id and password and hence adding your account. Go back to the play store and find the application that you were downloading or updating when the error code 920 came in. Now re-install it or update it back again. This time you won’t be faced with the play store error 920.

error code 920-remove account

Again it is best if you follow the methods as illustrated above for removing error code 920 and this might have solved your problem by now. If now, you go for a complete factory reset, do it only at the extreme stage as this will delete all your personal data.

Play Store error 920 is a pretty common error and its solutions are also very easy. Please do ensure that you follow each and every step in sync so that you can get the best result out of these methods and get over with the error code 920 on Google play store.

Spotify Keeps Crashing: A Complete List of Fixes You Can Use on Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G

spotify logo

Does your Spotify keep crashing? You’re not alone. This problem is widespread and can happen to anyone. Fortunately, there are ways to rectify it quickly and easily. We’ve prepared a guide to fixing your Spotify crashing problem.

In our guide, you’ll find out why your Spotify keeps crashing. Moreover, you’ll get a list of fixes for your Spotify closing problem and detailed instructions. Once you’ve read our guide, you’ll successfully solve the problem of Spotify crashing on Android.

Part 1. Why Spotify Keeps Crashing

spotify crashing problem

Some people have encountered a problem with their Spotify accounts. Spotify can sometimes keep crashing and closing due to several reasons. For example, it can happen due to your phone not being compatible with the app. This can happen if your operating system isn’t updated to the newest version.

Another reason the Spotify app keeps crashing could be an antivirus or a VPN blocking Spotify from working. Moreover, your device might be out of storage space, causing your phone to slow down and crash apps.

Several other reasons for this problem include network issues, a weak Wi-Fi signal, or the battery saving mode. Furthermore, your apps and files might be corrupted, or an app on your phone might block Spotify from working correctly.

Part 2. Spotify Keeps Crashing: Best Fixes

As you can see, there are numerous reasons for your Spotify crashing. Fortunately, all of them are easy fixes, and there’s no need to worry. We’ve prepared a list of 11 ways to fix your Spotify. With these fixes and detailed instructions, you’ll be able to eliminate your Spotify problem with ease.

1. Fix the Spotify Closing Issue by Repairing Your System

The reason for your Spotify crashing may be more significant than just a bug. Your device system might be behind it. If that’s the case, you might need to repair your system before trying to fix Spotify.

If you want to repair your mobile device’s system quickly and efficiently, try Wondershare Dr.Fone.

Wondershare Dr.Fone is an app that gives you complete control over your phone. You can manage it, back it up, recover files, and repair your system. The system repair option will fix your Android in just a few clicks and allow you to use Spotify freely. The steps go as follows:

  • Step 1: Install and open Wondershare Dr.Fone on your computer and connect your Android.
  • Step 2: Go to the Toolbox section and select System Repair.

select system repair in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 3: Choose the Android

pick android in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 4: See which Android errors Wondershare Dr.Fone can fix and click Start.

start system repair in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 5: Select the **Brand,**Name, Model, Country, and Carrier In the Carrier section, choose OPEN if your device is unlocked.

select your android model in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 6: Tick the “I agree with the warning, and I am ready to proceed”checkbox and click Next.
  • Step 7: Put your Android in Download Mode. You can find the steps below these instructions.
  • Step 8: The program will automatically download once you put the phone in Download Mode.

downloading firmware in progress

  • Step 9: Once the firmware downloads, click Fix Nowto install it on your Android.

fix your android in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 10: Type “000000” in the dialog box and click Confirm.

confirm system repair in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 11: That will start the system reparation, which you can follow on the screen.

android system repair in progress

  • Step 12: Once it finishes, click Doneto complete the system repair.

completed android system repair in wondershare dr.fone

There are two ways to enter Download Mode: one for Android devices with the Home button and another for those without it.

The steps for entering Download Mode on an Android phone with the Home button are as follows:

enter download mode with the home button

  • Step 1: Turn off your phone.
  • Step 2: Press and hold the Volume Down,Home, and Power buttons simultaneously.
  • Step 3: Press the Volume Upbutton to enter Download Mode.

The steps for entering Download Mode on Android devices without the Home button are as follows:

enter download mode without the home button

  • Step 1: Turn off your phone.
  • Step 2: Press and hold the Volume Down, Bixby, andPower buttons simultaneously.
  • Step 3: Press the Volume Upbutton to enter Download Mode.

2. Force-Close the App

You can force-close Spotify and open it again to make it work properly. That is an easy fix if your Spotify has developed a bug. If that is the case, follow the next steps:

  • Step 1: Try opening Spotify.
  • Step 2: If it’s not working, open App Switcher or Recent Apps. Different Android devices open it differently. Thus, you can swipe up from your Home screen, or if you have three buttons at the bottom, press Recent Apps.

recent apps on android

  • Step 3: Find Spotify in Recent Appsand click X or swipe up over it to force-close it.
  • Step 4: Try opening Spotify again.

3. Re-Login to Your Spotify

The Spotify app may be working fine. Maybe you’re having problems with your Spotify account. If so, you can try logging out and logging in again to see if that works. That isn’t a big problem; sometimes Spotify accounts start bugging. You can re-login to your Spotify account by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Spotify.
  • Step 2: Tap Settingsin the upper right corner.

settings in spotify

  • Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the settings and tap Log Out.

log out of spotify

  • Step 4: Tap Log In.

log into spotify

  • Step 5: Enter your login credentials.
  • Step 6: Tap Loginagain, and you’re in.

re-login to spotify with your credentials

4. Restart Your Device

Another way to stop Spotify from crashing can be restarting your Android. The steps may vary slightly depending on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G device, but they’re mostly the same. Follow these steps to restart your device:

  • Step 1: Press and hold the Power button(you must press and hold both the Power and Volume Up buttons on a newer Android device).
  • Step 2: Tap Restart. That will restart your Android, and you can try opening Spotify again.

restart android to fix spotify crashing

5. Set Up Your Time and Date

Another possible reason for your Spotify closing problem could be the incorrect time and date on your Android. That is also an easy fix; you must set it correctly and try opening the app again. Set up your time and date with these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Settingson your Android.
  • Step 2: Go to Systemor General Management (depending on your Android model).
  • Step 3: Go to Date and Time.
  • Step 4: Tap Set Dateand set the correct date.

set date on android

  • Step 5: Go to Set Timeand set the right time.

set time on android

6. Update Your System Software

Your Spotify app might keep crashing because your system is outdated. Try updating it to the latest version to try and fix the crashing problem. The steps for the Android system update are as follows:

  • Step 1: Open Settings.

settings on your android

  • Step 2: Go to System or About Phone.

about phone to find system update

  • Step 3: Select System Update.
  • Step 4: If there’s an available update, tap

install system update on android

7. Update Your App

If your system is updated, then Spotify might need an update. The app might malfunction if you’re using an older version. Thus, updating the app might solve the Spotify crashing problem. You can update Spotify by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to the Play Store.

play store on android

  • Step 2: Search and open Spotify in the Play Store.
  • Step 3: Tap Update

update spotify on android

8. Free up Storage

Spotify can start crashing if your Android’s storage space is at capacity. That can also cause other apps to crash, not only Spotify. Therefore, check the storage space and free up as much as possible. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open
  • Step 2: Go to Device Maintenance > Storageor go directly to Storage.

storage in settings on android

  • Step 3: Here, you can see how much of your storage space is available and what’s taking up the most space.

available storage on android

  • Step 4: Then, you can go ahead and clear as much space as you can.

9. Reinstall Spotify

There’s another solution if the Spotify app keeps crashing. You can try uninstalling and reinstalling it again on your Android. That will reset the app and might solve your problem. Follow the next steps to reinstall Spotify:

  • Step 1: Find the Spotify app on your Android.
  • Step 2: Hold the app icon.
  • Step 3: Then, press Uninstall.

uninstall spotify on android

  • Step 4: Press OK.
  • Step 5: Then, open the PlayStore and find Spotify.
  • Step 6: Tap Installto reinstall the app again.

reinstall spotify on android

  • Step 7: Once it installs, log in to test if it’s working.

10. Check if Spotify Is Down

If your Spotify keeps crashing and closing, it might not be your device’s problem. Sometimes, Spotify’s server can be down, and many people face the same issue. If that’s the case, you can check with your friends if their Spotify is working or check online if Spotify is down. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open your web browser.
  • Step 2: Type “Is Spotify down” in the search bar.

search if spotify is down

  • Step 3: You’ll see several websites that check real-time app servers and if they’re down.

spotify server up or down

  • Step 4: Go to one or two and see what they say. If Spotify is down, you’ll need to wait for them to fix the problem.

11. Clear the Cache

When using different apps and websites, your device caches data from those sources. Since there’s no need to pile up your Spotify cache, you can clear it. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Settings.

settings on android

  • Step 2: Go to Apps.
  • Step 3: Find Spotify and tap it.

spotify in settings on android

  • Step 4: Tap Storageor Storage usage.

spotify storage usage on android

  • Step 5: Tap Clear Cache.

clear spotify cache on android

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If your Spotify app keeps crashing, several reasons might be behind it. For instance, your storage space might be at capacity, your system might need an update, your phone might have a software bug, or the Spotify server might be down.

We’ve given you 11 solutions to fix the Spotify crashing problem. However, if your system needs repairing, you can try Wondershare Dr.Fone for quick and easy repair. This solution and all others will surely help you fix the crashing problem.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G Camera Not Working Unexpected Error? Fix It Now

For all its glory and goodness, the Android OS often has its users pulling their hair in frustration at just how buggy the OS can be at times. So, if you’re having one of those days today, we are here to help. Camera app is one of the most used apps on smartphones today. People only launch the app when they want to take a photo, for everything else there’s a dedicated photo gallery app. What happens when you launch the camera app only to realize it threw an error and you missed your photo moment? Don’t throw the phone, not yet. Let us help you out.

camera not working error in android

Part I: Why Is Android Camera Not Working?

There are a few reasons why the camera app is not working on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G.

Low Memory

Camera app does rely heavily on system resources, so in case you have too many apps open and for some reason the OS is not able to manage the resources appropriately for the camera app to function as it should, you will get a camera error.

Low Storage

The camera app needs storage space to save the photos it takes. So, in case your phone is running low on storage space, the camera app would likely malfunction as it would have no way to store the photos it would be taking.

General Bugs And Glitches

OS bugs and general glitches within the OS and the camera app can cause camera not working issue anytime during everyday operation. This is part and parcel of any technology.

Hardware Issues

In the rarest cases, there might have developed an actual hardware issue with the camera system on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G. The likely culprit is misuse and abuse, such as a dropped phone or maybe the phone was too hot for extended periods of time, causing hardware issues.

Part II: How To Fix Android Camera Not Working Issue?

So, how to get the Android camera not working problem solved? There are a few ways you can try fixing the camera not working issue on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G right where you are, without needing to take the Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G device to the manufacturer’s service center.

II.I: Restart The Handset

One of the first things to do any time an app or your phone or tablet does not work like it should, restarting the Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G device refreshes everything just enough to resolve most commonly occurring issues.

restarting android handset

Use the power button on your smartphone to restart your Android handset and see if this resolves the issue.

II.II: Close And Relaunch The Camera App

If the camera app (or any app for that matter) has been in the background for a while and then it is brought to the foreground, there are always chances of it crashing for any reason, or not working as expected. So, closing the app completely and relaunching it is recommended.

Step 1: Launch the app switcher on your specific Android device the way your device manufacturer suggests you to. Usually, it is a swipe up and hold gesture to get into the app switcher.

closing apps in app switcher

Step 2: Next, you can choose to close just the camera app or, better yet, close all apps by tapping the Close All button. Flicking any app upwards (quick upward swipe) is how you close an app. If there is no Close All button anywhere, repeat the gesture for all open apps.

II.III: Check App Permissions

These days, thanks to strides in the privacy initiatives, apps need permissions before they can function the way they do. Most of the times, apps such as camera do have the necessary permissions, but sometimes it is possible that the permissions are set incorrectly. To check if the camera app has the requisite permissions, do the following:

Step 1: Go to Settings > Apps > Camera > Permissions.

camera permissions check android

Step 2: Tap Camera.

set camera permissions android

Step 3: See if the selected option is Allow Only While Using This App. If not, select it.

II.IV: Clear The Camera App Cache

Clearing the camera app cache is sometimes helpful. To do that:

Step 1: Go to Settings > Apps > Camera and tap Storage Usage.

clear camera app cache

Step 2: Tap Clear Cache.

clear camera app cache android

The camera app is closely tied to the photo gallery app that comes baked in into Android OS. That is because photos that the camera app takes are stored in the photo gallery app. Consequently, if there were any issues in the photo gallery app, that could lead to the camera app not working on Android problem. Here’s how to clear the photo gallery app cache:

Step 1: Go to Settings > Apps > Photos > Storage Usage.

clear photo gallery app cache

Step 2: Tap Clear Cache.

II.VI: Check For App Updates

This does not happen always, but sometimes, with known bugs and issues, there may be an update released that fixes those bugs and issues that prevent some users from using a given app reliably. Checking for updates is a good step to make sure that your camera app is updated to the latest version possible.

Step 1: Go to Play Store and tap your profile picture on the right.

google play store app updates

Step 2: Tap Manage Apps and Device.

check for app updates play store

Step 3: If there are updates available, Tap Update All to update all apps.

II.VII: Cool The Phone Down

We do not realize the immense power that is packed into the thin smartphone form factor these days. If you have been using the phone to video chat for a while now, you might not realize that the phone has become hot, especially if you are using a desk stand. Same for shooting high-resolution videos; the phone does get quite hot shooting high-resolution videos.

If this is the case, close all apps and let the phone cool down. You might even want to shut the phone off to help cool it faster.

II.VIII: Nudge The Camera System

You may want to tap your camera system (the lenses and surrounding area) gently to see if that gets the camera working. In case it did, this is indicative of a hardware issue, and you should get it checked at the service center at your earliest convenience.

II.IX: Fix Android Camera Not Working Issue In One Click (With Dr.Fone)

Now, if the above fixes have not worked, you might want to repair your Android OS once before you make that appointment with the service centre. And, we have just the app to help you fix your camera not working on Android problem quickly.

Wondershare Dr.Fone is a multi-module app that works on both Windows and macOS and is the only app you will ever need to resolve nearly all of your smartphone and tablet issues that you are likely to encounter. Need to take backups? Dr.Fone Phone Backup has you covered with the ability to take and restore even selective backups, and to any location such as your computer or an external disk as well. Want to transfer WhatsApp chats to a new phone? Use WhatsApp Transfer to do just that! Bought a new phone? Use Phone Transfer to transfer contents from old phone to new, and then use Dr.Fone Data Eraser to securely wipe your old phone before giving it away!

Today, we will use Dr.Fone’s System Repair (Android) module to fix Android camera not working issue quickly.

Download Dr.Fone here.

safe Downloadsafe & secure

Step 1: Launch Dr.Fone app on your PC or Mac.

wondershare drfone on windows

Step 2: Click System Repair module and then Android.

drfone system repair for android

Step 3: For now, don’t bother with the scenarios given and click Start to go to the next screen.

drfone system repair android

Step 4: Your Android device will be detected by Dr.Fone. If anything seems incorrect, use the dropdown options to change it, and click Next.

android system repair drfone

Step 5: Your phone needs to be put into Download mode before it can be repaired. Follow the instructions shown onscreen and click Next.

set phone in download mode

Step 6: Dr.Fone automatically downloads the most recent firmware for your device and when it is ready, waits for your input. Click Fix Now to start the repair process.

fix android camera not working

Step 7: You will need to enter a 6-digit code (digit zero, six times – 000000) to confirm and begin the repair process.

confirm android firmware repair drfone

When the repair is complete, Dr.Fone shows the final screen as below:

fix android camera not working with drfone

safe Downloadsafe & secure


The camera app on your smartphone is one of the most important apps you use. This is not a game; this is an app that makes previous memories possible for you. So, when you get any of those incorrigible errors that are impossible to make sense of, what do you do? This guide gives you 9 fixes to fix Android camera not working error quickly and easily.

  • Title: Full Solutions to Fix Error Code 920 In Google Play on Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G | Dr.fone
  • Author: Ariadne
  • Created at : 2024-03-18 22:46:30
  • Updated at : 2024-03-21 11:46:17
  • Link: https://howto.techidaily.com/full-solutions-to-fix-error-code-920-in-google-play-on-xiaomi-redmi-note-13-5g-drfone-by-drfone-fix-android-problems-fix-android-problems/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.