Top 4 Android System Repair Software for Samsung Galaxy M14 4G Bricked Devices | Dr.fone

Top 4 Android System Repair Software for Samsung Galaxy M14 4G Bricked Devices | Dr.fone

Ariadne Lv13

Top 4 Android System Repair Software for Samsung Galaxy M14 4G Bricked Devices

Is your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device showing signs of being “bricked” or “soft-bricked”? When a Samsung Galaxy M14 4G is bricked, it becomes unresponsive and unusable. But fear not, as this article will guide you through reviving your device’s functionality. It will delve into the significance of unbricking and how it restores usability.

Moreover, this article will introduce you to the world of Samsung Galaxy M14 4G unbrick tools and software, ensuring you can get your device back on track. So read on and explore the top Android system repair software that can bring life back to your bricked Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device.

samsung bricked

Part 1: Understanding Bricked Samsung Galaxy M14 4G

Have you ever heard the term “bricked” concerning your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device? This section explains it to you in simple terms. Imagine your device becoming like a brick, unresponsive and seemingly lifeless. That’s what happens when a Samsung Galaxy M14 4G gets bricked. There are two main types of brick: soft brick and hard brick.

Soft Brick

Soft brick is like a temporary setback for your device. To see if your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G is soft - bricked, check out the details below:

Hard Brick

Now, this is a more severe situation. In this case, your bricked Samsung Galaxy M14 4G might fall under the following conditions:

  • Thesoftware and hardware have significant problems, making the Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device unresponsive.
  • Your device won’t turn on and might not show any signs of life.

bricked Samsung Galaxy M14 4G

Common Causes of a Brick Samsung Galaxy M14 4G

Now, let’s discuss why devices end up in this bricked state. It can happen due to a few common reasons:

  • Failed Updates

Something might go wrong during the process when you’re trying to update your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device. This is properly because of a poor internet connection or other interruptions. As a result, your device might get confused and end up bricked.

  • Custom ROM Installations

A custom ROM is like a customized version of your device’s software. While it can bring cool new features, it can also cause issues if not installed correctly. Incompatible or poorly made custom ROMs can sometimes lead to a bricked device.

  • Unauthorized Modifications

If you’re trying to tweak your device’s software without proper knowledge, you might make changes that the Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device can’t handle. This can lead to instability and, you guessed it, a bricked device.

So, why is it important to know all this? Well, a bricked device isn’t just frustrating; it can disrupt your daily life. You won’t be able to use your device, access your apps, or even make calls. That’s why unbricking is crucial.

Part 2: Top Android System Repair Software

Now that you’ve grasped the concept, let’s dive into how to unbrick a Samsung Galaxy M14 4G. That’s where Android system repair software comes in. These clever programs are like doctors for your device’s software. They diagnose and fix issues to keep your appliance running smoothly. Let’s explore the cream of the crop when it comes to these software solutions:

Wondershare Dr.Fone

Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android) is like a magic wand for your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device. It’s designed to rescue your device from troubles and make it run smoothly again. Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android) is built to  fix various issues, including a bricked device. It can resolve problems like black screens, frozen devices, boot loops, and even devices stuck in recovery mode.

dr.fone wondershare

Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android)

Repair Android System Errors without Any Trouble.

  • Fix your Android to normal, no skills required.
  • Fix various Android system issues, stuck in boot loop , black screen , or won’t turn on , looping on start, etc.
  • The high success rate in resolving Android system issues.
  • Compatible with a wide range of Android devices and OS versions
  • User-friendly interface with easy-to-follow steps.

3981454 people have downloaded it

drfone android system repair

Key Features

Here’s what Dr.Fone offers as a powerful Android system repair software:

  • Repair a wide variety of Android system issues.
  • User-friendly interface that’s easy to navigate.
  • No technical expertise required – it guides you step by step.
  • Compatibility with a wide range of Samsung Galaxy M14 4G devices.


Check out Dr. Fone’s benefits you can take advantage of:

  • Easy and intuitive to use.
  • Can fix a range of software-related problems.
  • Doesn’t require deep technical knowledge.
  • Can help you avoid expensive repair services


As for its drawback, refer below:

  • Some complex issues might still require professional help.

How To Unbrick Samsung Galaxy M14 4G Using Dr.Fone

This tutorial will show you how Dr.Fone can remove the brick from a Samsung Galaxy M14 4G smartphone.

  • Step 1: Launch Dr.Fone and head to the program’s left-hand panel, where you’ll find the Toolbox. You may fix your broken Android device by connecting it to your computer and selecting System Repair from the menu.

wondershare drfone android system repair

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4,001,177 people have downloaded it

  • Step 2: Select Android on the following screen to troubleshoot an Android device. After that, you’ll be brought to a new screen where you can initiate the fix by clicking Start.

start drfone start android repair

  • Step 3: When you click through to the next window, the service will automatically recognize the manufacturer of the Android device. Choose the appropriate Brand, Name, Model, Country, and Carrier from the drop-down menus. Select OPEN in the Carrier area if the phone is unlocked. The next step is to tick the box labeled I accept the risk and am ready to continue. Click Next to proceed with the rest of the Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device repair.

drfone android device information

  • Step 4: Put your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G into Download Mode when prompted.

  • If your phone has a home button, follow the on-screen prompts to power it down. Keep pressing and holding the Volume Down, Home, and Power Then, press the Volume Upbutton to activate the Download Mode.

drfone phone with home button android

  • If your Android doesn’t have a Home button, you may still use it byturning it off and pressing the Volume Down, Bixby, and Power buttons simultaneously. Repeatedly pressing the Volume Up button will activate Download Mode.

drfone phone without home button android

  • Step 5: The firmware download starts on the platform immediately after the Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device enters Download Mode. You can click Stop to abort it at any stage during the process. The platform then verifies and presents the information as it downloads. By selecting Fix Now, you can install the firmware.

drfone fix now android

  • Step 6: The Android repair procedure may delete all of your data. To proceed, please type “000000” in the box provided. The system repair process will begin, and its status can be viewed in the next screen’s progress bar.

Take Note: Backing up your Android is necessary before doing any Android repair.

drfone firmware ready android

  • Step 7: The prompt window will show the completion message. If the Android device boots normally, you can close the tool by clicking the Done button. Press the Try Again button to try powering on the Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device again if it does not turn on automatically.

Repair System & Phone Master

This software is a real game-changer in resolving Android system problems. It specializes in repairing system issues, enhancing device performance, and cleaning up unnecessary files.

repair system and phone master

Key Features

Check out the key features of this software below:

  • Repair a range of system issues, including bricking.
  • Boost device speed and performance.
  • Clean up junk files to free up space.
  • The easy-to-use interface is suitable for all users.


Repair System & Phone Master’s advantages include the following:

  • Straightforward operation.
  • Focus on improving overall device performance.
  • Can potentially extend your device’s lifespan.


Below is the disadvantage of this software:

  • Repair capabilities might be limited for complex issues.

System Repair for Android

True to its name, System Repair for Android is designed to repair and rejuvenate your device’s Android system. It’s a reliable tool to tackle various software issues, including bricked devices.

google play system repair for android app

Key Features

The key features of System Repair for Android app include:

  • Repair various Android system problems.
  • User-friendly interface for hassle-free operation.


As for its advantages, see the list below:

  • Straightforward solution for commonsystem issues.
  • Can save you from device replacement costs.


Check below to learn about this app’s drawback:

  • Advanced issues might require professional intervention.

Phone Doctor Plus

Phone Doctor Plus is like a health check-up app for your device. It’s designed to repair system issues and diagnose hardware problems that might contribute to a bricked device.

phone doctor plus interface

Key Features

See Phone Doctor Plus’s essential features below:

  • Diagnose and repair both software and hardware issues.
  • Identify potential problems that could lead to bricking.


This app’s advantages include the following:

  • Comprehensive diagnosis for both software and hardware.
  • Can help you identify issues before they become serious.


Check out this app’s disadvantages below:

  • Not solely focused on software repair, might not cover all scenarios.

Part 3: Tips on Preventing Future Bricking Incidents

Now that you know how to fix a bricked Samsung Galaxy M14 4G smartphone, let’s focus on preventing it in the first place. Here are some simple steps you can take to keep your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device safe and sound:

tips on preventing future bricking incidents

  • Regularly Check for Updates

Always keep your device’s software up to date. Updates often contain bug fixes and improvements that can prevent software-related issues.

  • Use Reliable Tools and Software

When using any tools or software on your device, ensure they’re trusted and well-reviewed. Unreliable tools can lead to unexpected problems.

  • Avoid Unauthorized Modifications

Avoid messing with your device’s software beyond basic settings unless you’re a tech expert. Unauthorized modifications can lead to bricking.

  • Keep Your Battery Charged

Ensure your device has enough battery power before initiating software updates or installations. Low battery during critical processes can lead to issues.

  • Backup Regularly

Regularly back up your device’s data to avoid losing important information during a bricking incident.

  • Use Official Firmware

If you’re ever reinstalling or updating your device’s software, always use official firmware provided by the manufacturer.

  • Utilize Safe Mode for Troubleshooting

If your device starts acting strange, try booting it into safe mode. This helps you identify if a third-party app is causing issues.

  • Seek Professional Help

If you’re unsure about a particular action, seek help from experts. Trying to fix complex issues yourself can worsen the situation.

By following these easy tips, you can keep your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device running smoothly and avoid the hassle of dealing with a bricked device. Always remember, prevention is better than cure!

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Encountering a bricked Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device can be a frustrating roadblock. However, there’s a silver lining – the power of an Android system repair software like Dr.Fone – System Repair (Android). This user-friendly tool acts as your device’s superhero, rescuing it from the clutches of bricking incidents.

So, whether your device is experiencing a soft brick or a hard brick, you now have the best tools and knowledge to overcome it. Dive into the Android system repair software world, explore your options, and bid farewell to brick. Welcome a revived, functioning Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device into your daily life.

Spotify Keeps Crashing: A Complete List of Fixes You Can Use on Samsung Galaxy M14 4G

spotify logo

Does your Spotify keep crashing? You’re not alone. This problem is widespread and can happen to anyone. Fortunately, there are ways to rectify it quickly and easily. We’ve prepared a guide to fixing your Spotify crashing problem.

In our guide, you’ll find out why your Spotify keeps crashing. Moreover, you’ll get a list of fixes for your Spotify closing problem and detailed instructions. Once you’ve read our guide, you’ll successfully solve the problem of Spotify crashing on Android.

Part 1. Why Spotify Keeps Crashing

spotify crashing problem

Some people have encountered a problem with their Spotify accounts. Spotify can sometimes keep crashing and closing due to several reasons. For example, it can happen due to your phone not being compatible with the app. This can happen if your operating system isn’t updated to the newest version.

Another reason the Spotify app keeps crashing could be an antivirus or a VPN blocking Spotify from working. Moreover, your device might be out of storage space, causing your phone to slow down and crash apps.

Several other reasons for this problem include network issues, a weak Wi-Fi signal, or the battery saving mode. Furthermore, your apps and files might be corrupted, or an app on your phone might block Spotify from working correctly.

Part 2. Spotify Keeps Crashing: Best Fixes

As you can see, there are numerous reasons for your Spotify crashing. Fortunately, all of them are easy fixes, and there’s no need to worry. We’ve prepared a list of 11 ways to fix your Spotify. With these fixes and detailed instructions, you’ll be able to eliminate your Spotify problem with ease.

1. Fix the Spotify Closing Issue by Repairing Your System

The reason for your Spotify crashing may be more significant than just a bug. Your device system might be behind it. If that’s the case, you might need to repair your system before trying to fix Spotify.

If you want to repair your mobile device’s system quickly and efficiently, try Wondershare Dr.Fone.

Wondershare Dr.Fone is an app that gives you complete control over your phone. You can manage it, back it up, recover files, and repair your system. The system repair option will fix your Android in just a few clicks and allow you to use Spotify freely. The steps go as follows:

  • Step 1: Install and open Wondershare Dr.Fone on your computer and connect your Android.
  • Step 2: Go to the Toolbox section and select System Repair.

select system repair in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 3: Choose the Android

pick android in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 4: See which Android errors Wondershare Dr.Fone can fix and click Start.

start system repair in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 5: Select the **Brand,**Name, Model, Country, and Carrier In the Carrier section, choose OPEN if your device is unlocked.

select your android model in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 6: Tick the “I agree with the warning, and I am ready to proceed”checkbox and click Next.
  • Step 7: Put your Android in Download Mode. You can find the steps below these instructions.
  • Step 8: The program will automatically download once you put the phone in Download Mode.

downloading firmware in progress

  • Step 9: Once the firmware downloads, click Fix Nowto install it on your Android.

fix your android in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 10: Type “000000” in the dialog box and click Confirm.

confirm system repair in wondershare dr.fone

  • Step 11: That will start the system reparation, which you can follow on the screen.

android system repair in progress

  • Step 12: Once it finishes, click Doneto complete the system repair.

completed android system repair in wondershare dr.fone

There are two ways to enter Download Mode: one for Android devices with the Home button and another for those without it.

The steps for entering Download Mode on an Android phone with the Home button are as follows:

enter download mode with the home button

  • Step 1: Turn off your phone.
  • Step 2: Press and hold the Volume Down,Home, and Power buttons simultaneously.
  • Step 3: Press the Volume Upbutton to enter Download Mode.

The steps for entering Download Mode on Android devices without the Home button are as follows:

enter download mode without the home button

  • Step 1: Turn off your phone.
  • Step 2: Press and hold the Volume Down, Bixby, andPower buttons simultaneously.
  • Step 3: Press the Volume Upbutton to enter Download Mode.

2. Force-Close the App

You can force-close Spotify and open it again to make it work properly. That is an easy fix if your Spotify has developed a bug. If that is the case, follow the next steps:

  • Step 1: Try opening Spotify.
  • Step 2: If it’s not working, open App Switcher or Recent Apps. Different Android devices open it differently. Thus, you can swipe up from your Home screen, or if you have three buttons at the bottom, press Recent Apps.

recent apps on android

  • Step 3: Find Spotify in Recent Appsand click X or swipe up over it to force-close it.
  • Step 4: Try opening Spotify again.

3. Re-Login to Your Spotify

The Spotify app may be working fine. Maybe you’re having problems with your Spotify account. If so, you can try logging out and logging in again to see if that works. That isn’t a big problem; sometimes Spotify accounts start bugging. You can re-login to your Spotify account by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Spotify.
  • Step 2: Tap Settingsin the upper right corner.

settings in spotify

  • Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the settings and tap Log Out.

log out of spotify

  • Step 4: Tap Log In.

log into spotify

  • Step 5: Enter your login credentials.
  • Step 6: Tap Loginagain, and you’re in.

re-login to spotify with your credentials

4. Restart Your Device

Another way to stop Spotify from crashing can be restarting your Android. The steps may vary slightly depending on the Samsung Galaxy M14 4G device, but they’re mostly the same. Follow these steps to restart your device:

  • Step 1: Press and hold the Power button(you must press and hold both the Power and Volume Up buttons on a newer Android device).
  • Step 2: Tap Restart. That will restart your Android, and you can try opening Spotify again.

restart android to fix spotify crashing

5. Set Up Your Time and Date

Another possible reason for your Spotify closing problem could be the incorrect time and date on your Android. That is also an easy fix; you must set it correctly and try opening the app again. Set up your time and date with these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Settingson your Android.
  • Step 2: Go to Systemor General Management (depending on your Android model).
  • Step 3: Go to Date and Time.
  • Step 4: Tap Set Dateand set the correct date.

set date on android

  • Step 5: Go to Set Timeand set the right time.

set time on android

6. Update Your System Software

Your Spotify app might keep crashing because your system is outdated. Try updating it to the latest version to try and fix the crashing problem. The steps for the Android system update are as follows:

  • Step 1: Open Settings.

settings on your android

  • Step 2: Go to System or About Phone.

about phone to find system update

  • Step 3: Select System Update.
  • Step 4: If there’s an available update, tap

install system update on android

7. Update Your App

If your system is updated, then Spotify might need an update. The app might malfunction if you’re using an older version. Thus, updating the app might solve the Spotify crashing problem. You can update Spotify by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to the Play Store.

play store on android

  • Step 2: Search and open Spotify in the Play Store.
  • Step 3: Tap Update

update spotify on android

8. Free up Storage

Spotify can start crashing if your Android’s storage space is at capacity. That can also cause other apps to crash, not only Spotify. Therefore, check the storage space and free up as much as possible. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open
  • Step 2: Go to Device Maintenance > Storageor go directly to Storage.

storage in settings on android

  • Step 3: Here, you can see how much of your storage space is available and what’s taking up the most space.

available storage on android

  • Step 4: Then, you can go ahead and clear as much space as you can.

9. Reinstall Spotify

There’s another solution if the Spotify app keeps crashing. You can try uninstalling and reinstalling it again on your Android. That will reset the app and might solve your problem. Follow the next steps to reinstall Spotify:

  • Step 1: Find the Spotify app on your Android.
  • Step 2: Hold the app icon.
  • Step 3: Then, press Uninstall.

uninstall spotify on android

  • Step 4: Press OK.
  • Step 5: Then, open the PlayStore and find Spotify.
  • Step 6: Tap Installto reinstall the app again.

reinstall spotify on android

  • Step 7: Once it installs, log in to test if it’s working.

10. Check if Spotify Is Down

If your Spotify keeps crashing and closing, it might not be your device’s problem. Sometimes, Spotify’s server can be down, and many people face the same issue. If that’s the case, you can check with your friends if their Spotify is working or check online if Spotify is down. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open your web browser.
  • Step 2: Type “Is Spotify down” in the search bar.

search if spotify is down

  • Step 3: You’ll see several websites that check real-time app servers and if they’re down.

spotify server up or down

  • Step 4: Go to one or two and see what they say. If Spotify is down, you’ll need to wait for them to fix the problem.

11. Clear the Cache

When using different apps and websites, your device caches data from those sources. Since there’s no need to pile up your Spotify cache, you can clear it. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Settings.

settings on android

  • Step 2: Go to Apps.
  • Step 3: Find Spotify and tap it.

spotify in settings on android

  • Step 4: Tap Storageor Storage usage.

spotify storage usage on android

  • Step 5: Tap Clear Cache.

clear spotify cache on android

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If your Spotify app keeps crashing, several reasons might be behind it. For instance, your storage space might be at capacity, your system might need an update, your phone might have a software bug, or the Spotify server might be down.

We’ve given you 11 solutions to fix the Spotify crashing problem. However, if your system needs repairing, you can try Wondershare Dr.Fone for quick and easy repair. This solution and all others will surely help you fix the crashing problem.

Home Button Not Working on Samsung Galaxy M14 4G? Here Are Real Fixes

There is no doubt that it is quite frustrating when your device buttons, such as home and back don’t work properly. The reasons can be software as well as hardware issues. If you are wondering whether there is any solution to fix this problem, then you’ve come to the right place. Firstly, yes some methods can probably help you to come out of this issue. Here, in this guide, we have covered various solutions you can try to resolve the “home button not working Android” problem no matter whether it is due to software or hardware reason.

Part 1: 4 Common Measures to Fix Home Button Not Working Android

Here, we are going to mention four common methods that you can try to resolve the home button problem on your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G with ease.

1.1 One click to fix Android Home Button Not Working

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When it comes to the home button not working Samsung Galaxy M14 4G problem, the most common reason is the unknown system issues. In such a scenario, the best solution is using Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android) software to repair your Android system to normal in one click. This tool is powerful enough to resolve various Android issues within a few minutes.

Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android)

Android repair tool to fix home button not working on Android

  • The tool can help you to fix the Android operating system in a wide range of scenarios.
  • It is compatible with all Samsung Galaxy M14 4G devices.
  • There is no need for technical skills to use the software.
  • The software comes with a high success rate for fixing the Android system.
  • It provides easy steps to resolve Android issues.

3981454 people have downloaded it

To learn how to fix home button not working problem, download and install the Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android) software on your computer, follow the below step-by-step guide:

Step 1: To begin with the process, launch the software on your computer and select the “System Repair” option from the software main window.

fix home button not working android

Step 2: Thereafter, connect your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G to the computer using a USB cable and select the “Android Repair” tab from the left menu.

home button not working android - connect device

Step 3: Next, you will navigate to a device information page where you have to provide your device information.

home button not working android  - check device info

Step 4: After that, the software will download the appropriate firmware to repair your Android system.

home button not working android - download firmware

Step 5: After downloading the firmware, the software will start the repair process. Wait for a few seconds, the problem should get fixed and your phone will get back to its normal state.

home button not working android - start android repair

1.2 Force Restart your Android

Whenever you encounter with Android virtual soft keys, not working problem, the first thing you should try is to force restart your phone . If the problem is due to a software issue, then it can be probably fixed by simply force restarting your Android.

Here are simple steps on how to force restart on Android:

Step 1: To begin with, press and hold the power button and either volume up or down button at the same time until your device screen goes off.

Step 2: Next, press the power button for a few moments to force restart your device.

home button not working android - force restart

1.3 Restore Factory Settings

If force restarting won’t help you to fix the problem you are facing, it’s time to reset your Samsung Galaxy M14 4G to factory settings. The factory reset on an Android device will erase all of your phone settings, third-party apps, user data, and other app data to restore your device to its original manufacturer condition or settings. It means that this can bring back your device to its normal state.

To learn how to restore factory settings, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Go to your ‘Settings” and then, go to “System”>” Advanced”>” Reset options”.

Step 2: Next, tap on “Erase all data”>” Reset phone” to factory reset on your phone. Here, you may need to enter the password or pin or pattern.

Once you are done with the above steps, restart your phone and restore your data and this might be fixed the problem for you. If not, then try the next solution.

home button not working android - factory reset

1.4 Update Android Firmware

It might be the case that your Android firmware is not updated and that’s why you are experiencing the home button not working Android problem. Sometimes, not updating your Android firmware can cause various issues and problems while using your device. So, you should update it, and here are steps on how to do it:

Step 1: Open the Settings and then, go to “About device”. Next, click “System updates”.

Step 2: After that, click “Check for updates” and if updates are available, then download and install it to update your Android version.

home button not working android - update android

Part 2: What if the Home Button fails due to hardware reasons?

When your Android home and back button not working because of hardware reasons, you can’t get the problem resolved by simply rebooting your device. In such cases, you have to use alternative apps to replace the home button.

2.1 Simple Control app

The Simple Control app is the first and foremost solution to fix the Android home button not working issue. With the help of this app, you can fix many soft keys of your device. It is specially designed for Android users facing trouble using home, volume, back, and camera buttons. Plus, the app utilizes Accessibility service, but it doesn’t get access to your sensitive and personal information.

simple control app


  • It can easily replace broken and failed buttons.
  • The app is quite easy to use.


  • It is not as much efficient as other similar apps available out there.


2.2 Button Savior app

Button Savior app is one of the ultimate apps that can help you to fix the Android home button not working problem with ease. For this app, root and no root versions are available on the Google Play store. To fix the Home button not working issue, no root version is the right one. But, if you want to fix the Back button or other buttons, then you need to go for the root version.

button savior


  • It comes with a root as well as no root version.
  • The app is powerful enough to fix a wide range of buttons.
  • It shows information regarding the date and time and battery.


  • The root version of the app can cause data loss.

URL:" target="_blank” rel=”nofollow

2.3 Navigation Bar (Back, Home, Recent Button) app

Navigation Bar app is another great solution to fix the home button not responding problem. It can replace broken and failed button for users who are facing difficulty using navigation bar panel or buttons not working properly. The app offers numerous features, and it is easy to use.

vavigation bar


  • It offers many colors to make an incredible navigation bar.
  • The app provides 15 themes for customization.
  • It comes with the ability to change the size of the navigation bar.


  • Sometimes, the navigation bar stopped working.
  • It comes with ads.


2.4 Home Button app

Home button app is another remarkable solution to replace broken and failed home buttons for users having trouble while using buttons. With this app, it is quite easy to press or even long press on the home button as assistive touch.

home button app


  • You can change the button of color using the app.
  • With the help of it, you can set a vibrate setting on touch.
  • It provides support for many press actions, such as home, back, power menu, etc.


  • It doesn’t come with a lot of features, unlike other apps.
  • Sometimes, it shuts down automatically.


2.5 Multi-action Home Button app

Is your Android physical home button is broken or dead? If yes, then the Multi-action Home Button app can help you to fix it with ease. With the help of it, you can create a button in centre-bottom of your device screen, and you can also add numerous actions to that button.

home button not working android - Multi-action Home Button app


  • It provides various actions with the button.
  • It is very simple and easy to use.


  • The app’s very useful feature comes with its pro version.



Hopefully, the methods covered in this post helps you to fix Android home and back button not working problem for you. If it is a system issue, then the best thing you can do is to take advantage of Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android) software. It can surely help you to fix your Android system to normal within a few minutes.

Also read:

  • Title: Top 4 Android System Repair Software for Samsung Galaxy M14 4G Bricked Devices | Dr.fone
  • Author: Ariadne
  • Created at : 2024-06-28 00:37:00
  • Updated at : 2024-06-29 00:37:00
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Top 4 Android System Repair Software for Samsung Galaxy M14 4G Bricked Devices | Dr.fone